Life is unpredictable. It will leave you feeling lost. It will leave you confused.
When you feel you've forgotten who you are
Where you came from
What normal even is...
When the world has forgotten you...
If you've forgotten everything else, remember this...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Adventure is now.

Your life--right now--is your own adventure
If you choose to make it one.
You don't need fancy places and expensive trips all the time
Make the most of what you have
Write your own story.
Live well.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

In Comparison...

Just because it doesn't seem like you're important, doesn't mean it's true.
Don't compare yourself to other people.
You are you and they are they.
If your friends didn't want you, they would have settled for just they.
Chin up, I think you're fabulous.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Who told you?

Who told you that?
Who made you believe that you aren't good enough?
That there isn't enough in you for people to care about you?
That you're just another face
Just another friend
Nothing important.
That's crap.
Don't listen to that.
You're more important than you give yourself credit for
People want to be your friend
People appreciate you.
Quit beating yourself down by making yourself believe you're not worth more than you are.
"You're better than what you tell yourself"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Do you have this?

Worrying is a waste of effort...
Don't you know that God has everything in control?
Trust Him... it'll all be okay.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Unforgiveness only hurts you.
Unforgiveness is stupid.
That doesn't mean it's easy, just worth it.

Let it go.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011